78 Days of Tarot – X Wheel of Fortune

I am participating in the #tarot78days challenge which is being hosted by The Bookish Fox – instagram here and weblog here. You can read the first post in this series here.

X – Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune represents the ever-changing cycles of life, like a wheel these cycles are unending. This card reminds me of the medieval poem “O Fortuna”. The poem speaks of fate being a ‘monstrous and empty whirling wheel’.

“O Fortune, like the moon you are changeable, ever waxing and waning; hateful life first oppresses and then soothes as fancy takes it”

Carmina Burana, from where O Fortuna comes, was set to music by Carl Orff, it is a wonderful piece of opera.

Wheel of Fortune drawing

I experimented with different paper and pencils with this drawing.  I still need to pick up a couple of proper lead pencils for sketching rather than a standard pencil, however for colouring I used a set of Derwent Rexel Cumberland watercolour pencils that my husbitect gave to me. The paper I used was from a sketch book I found at a local dollar store, it was only $2.50 but very nice quality. I really enjoyed the shading I could do with the watercolour pencils. I felt quite proud of this drawing!

In writing this post I cam across Derwent’s website and discovered their fabulous video tutorials.

Tarot Deck used: Cat’s Eye Tarot by Debra M. Givin. Website: Cat’s Eye Tarot


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