78 Days of Tarot – I The Magician

I am participating in the #tarot78days challenge which is being hosted by The Bookish Fox – instagram here and weblog here.

Cat's Eye Tarot - The Magician

I – The Magician.

The Fool represents potential and in the Magician that potential has been sensed & harnessed. The bird, fish, mouse and lizard represent the elements. The Magician, with his unflinching gaze, is aware of his potential power and is calmly at one with it. He knows who he is and does not shy away from living his truth. In Rachel Pollack’s ‘Tarot Wisdom’ she states that the Roman numeral ‘I’ implies the conscious self, the ego. While the Fool has potential but is seemingly unaware of his power, the Magician sees a realisation and acceptance of this power. The Magician has obtained knowledge – know thyself – temet nosce.

Link to my Instagram post: The Magician.

Tarot Deck used: Cat’s Eye Tarot by Debra M. Givin. Website: Cat’s Eye Tarot
Book Referenced : Tarot Wisdom by Rachel Pollack.


78 Days of Tarot – 0 The Fool

I am participating in the #tarot78days challenge which is being hosted by The Bookish Fox – instagram here and weblog here.

Cat's Eye Tarot - The Fool

For each of the 78 days we study one card from a chosen deck(s) and write a description of the image and the meanings of the card. I have chosen the Cat’s Eye Tarot and have completed my study of the first seven cards of the major arcana. As well as a written description, I am also drawing each card to help familiarise myself with the deck and also to improve my drawing skills. I was doing one card a day at first however I will now switch to every two days as the drawing part takes a good deal of time.

The first card is 0 – The Fool.

Day 1. 0 ~ The Fool. #tarot78days hosted by @thebookishfox

I’ve decided to draw each card alongside my notes from the lwb (little white book) that comes with the deck and then follow with my own thoughts. Rachel Pollack (Tarot Wisdom) discusses the fool as potentially representing freedom, of being free of ego, of societal values of identity. “I am free. I am not that. I am nothing.” I love that idea, it speaks to me of potential; at any moment we can change direction and become something/one else. We are not stuck in one definition of the self.

The cat chasing the bee speaks to me of seeing the every day wonders that most people overlook. Symbolically the imagery in the card includes youth/freedom, roses, the sun, a river (life?) and a winged insect which could represent flying free.

Link to my Instagram post: The Fool.

Tarot Deck used: Cat’s Eye Tarot by Debra M. Givin. Website: Cat’s Eye Tarot
Book Referenced : Tarot Wisdom by Rachel Pollack.


Hello! I’m Lish – Welcome to my new weblog! CatMystic combines two of my most favourite things, cats and all that is mystic such as tarot cards, druidry and spiritual magic. I’m still nutting out what I will be writing about on here but tarot cards are a given!

Tarot Photo

I am currently participating in two photo challenges on Instagram and will regularly post updates from those and perhaps some general musings. I am CatMystic on instagram if you want to find me there.

Some of the newest additions to my ever-growing tarot & oracle deck collection are Wisdom of The Oracle, Cat’s Eye Tarot and Animals Divine. I cannot resist a cat-themed deck as you will see in future posts. I’m currently reading two books on Tarot; Tarot Wisdom by Rachel Pollack and Psychic Tarot by Nancy Antenucci & Melanie Howard. I have been learning to read tarot cards for a few months and am determined to improve my skills, especially with using my intuition to divine meanings.

I will be adding regular posts about learning to read tarot cards, my interest in mystical subjects, and a bit of crafting and cooking. I hope you will visit me again!