Daily Draw

I’ve decided to belatedly join in with another tarot challenge on Instagram, #satsdailydraw which is hosted by @theserpentandthespiral

I’m starting on Day 12 which has the prompt of: Ambition

Daily Tarot Draw

For this draw I used the gorgeous Enchanted Tarot by Amy Zerner & Monty Farber

The question on my mind concerned some business ideas I’ve had. How should I realise those ambitions?

I used The Enchanted Tarot and got the answer to my question with the Princess of Pentacles – stop just thinking and start doing! Make careful plans and start with baby steps even if that initially feels like I’m just plodding along; little steps can lead to something bigger.

This deck is a recent addition to my collection and this is my first reading with it. I can see I will be enjoying many more readings with this deck; it is beautiful but also strongly truthful.